My favourite colour used to be blue (being a boy) and then orange and then and probably still is red. I once believed that there were aliens under my bed, which would try to stab my soft toys and I with lethal injections. Their attempts forced me to sleep in the centre of my bed, preventing their skinny little alien arms from reaching me to administer there deadly dose. Similarly, I once believed in God (because I was a child) and then I stopped believing in a God (partly because my mother had just been baptised as a Jehovah’s Witness and I was trying to rebel and partly because I thought believing in god or being religious was ‘gay’). Then after some thought I once again started believing in a God (partly because I had stopped my silent rebellion and partly because I know longer negatively judged in such an adolescent way the opinions of others). The main reason I started to believe in God again was because I thought I had a good life. You see I was doing well at school both academically (it’s funny because I spelled academically wrong when I was writing the first draft of this) and physically and I felt I had good friends and was respected by my peers. Surely this was Gods reward for being a ‘good’ person?
Then a few years later, after reading the whole bible and debating with friends and family and still being fully convinced in a God, one evening I sat in my small room at Van Mildert College of Durham University and pondered over why I am who I am, why each person is different. After hours of thinking I came to a conclusion which not only left me satisfied with a good answer but also led me to believe that there is no God or if there is he /she/it is a right cunt. The conclusion I came to although making full logical sense to me now and at the time, hounded me for a week as it challenged and contradicted everything I had ever thought about on issues such as; responsibility, sin, good, evil, forgiveness, punishment, justice and other similar shit.
The answer I came to can only be understood with an open mind as it goes against thinking which is well ingrained in our minds. I find the older an individual is the angrier they are likely to get at hearing this way of thinking as an alternative to the one they are used to (and have been in my opinion brain washed to have (which does not necessarily mean they are wrong)). This may be due to them being wiser or just plain stubborn.
‘Blessed are the meek’. And none more so than my brother who accepted this alternative readily. This may be due to his high level of respect for me but mine for him leaves me thinking he would not just follow the ideas of a person out of respect and I therefore am sure he came to his conclusion through careful thinking, reasoning and by being intellectually humble.
What I didn’t realise at this time was that this hypothesis on development of human behaviour had already been thought up and developed by some philosophers. But they had failed to convince others and failed to bring this hypothesis to the attention of a wider audience. It had remained academic, that is to say the people who like being clever and having power from this intelligence like to keep their power. And what I hope to achieve is to convince others that this hypothesis is plausible and there is evidence to back it up. I want to bring this to the attention of a wider audience. It is laughable for me to criticise these philosophers for failing seen as though this blog is probably only going to be read by me.
The reason they failed in my opinion is because they were a bit stupid. They wrote using the wrong language and explained things in a complicated manner. The language they used distracted from the beauty of this way of thinking. The beauty that it is simple, rational and makes sense. For me to obtain my goal I have to convince you of two things. The first I feel will be relatively easy, the second will not be so easy. But if I do manage to succeed in convincing you of these two things then there is no going back. I think that last sentence sounded pretty good and added some nice suspense, as well as finishing the post of nicely. It's a shame I have now ruined it by writing all this extra pointless crap and not even bothering to take it out. Instead of removing this I am just gonna copy and paste my beloved ending sentence...
But if I do manage to succeed in convincing you of these two things then there is no going back.